“Somewhere Confidential” is a darkly comedic film noir that plunges viewers into the twisted world of detective Guthrie Hayward. As he spirals through a labyrinth of vice and deceit, his unconventional allies include a loyal dingo accountant, his drug-addled siblings, and an enigmatic Mennonite with possibly mystical abilities. With danger lurking at every corner and a cryptic conspiracy pushing society to its limits, Guthrie must navigate treacherous waters to crack the case and make a clean getaway.
Casey Siegel is a versatile film director with a notable portfolio. Best known for directing the feature film “Neverender” and the acclaimed short films “Owl Street” and “The Devil’s Lettuce.”
This is a ticket for the Somewhere Confidential feature film at 6:45pm on Sunday, October 6th at the Grapevine Theater located inside The Bottle Shop complex located at 617 W. Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147. After the feature there will be a short Q&A section with the film makers, hosted by Festival Director Hart D. Fisher.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Additional screenings will be listed in the description. Limited Seating available!
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